Deans, Chairs and Directors
Clarice C. and Leland H. Bagwell College of EducationAdrian Epps
DeanArvin Johnson
Chair, Educational Leadership, Interim
ajohn560@kennesaw.eduJennifer Dail
Chair, Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Interim
jdail1@kennesaw.eduDenise Ross
Chair, Inclusive Education
dross71@kennesaw.eduKe Zhang
Director, School of Instructional Technology and Innovation
kzhang8@kennesaw.eduMegan Adams
Chair, Secondary and Middle Grades Education, Interim -
Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Lawrence Whitman
lwhitma5@kennesaw.eduSunanda Dissanayake
Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
sdissan1@kennesaw.eduBenjamin Klein
Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
bklein8@kennesaw.eduMarwan Al-Haik
Chair, Mechanical Engineering
malhaik@kennesaw.eduDavid Stollberg
Chair, Engineering Technology
dstollbe@kennesaw.eduYusun Chang
Chair, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
ychang7@kennesaw.eduSohyung Cho
Chair, Industrial and Systems Engineering -
College of Science and Mathematics
Heather Koopman
hkoopma1@kennesaw.eduMarina Koether
Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Interim
mkoether@kennesaw.eduPaula Jackson
Chair, Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
pjackson@kennesaw.eduErik WestlundChair, Mathematics, Interim
ewestlun@kennesaw.eduKevin Stokes
Chair, Physics -
Robert S. Geer Family College of the Arts
Marsha Barsky
Chair, Department of Dance
mbarsky@kennesaw.eduGeo Sipp
Director, School of Art and Design
gsipp@kennesaw.eduNathan Nabb
Director, Dr. Bobbie Bailey School of Music
jbulla28@kennesaw.eduChuck Meacham
Chair, Department of Theatre and Performance Studies -
College of Architecture and Construction Management
Hazem Rashed-Ali
hrasheda@kennesaw.eduBrian Moore
Chair, Construction Management
bmoore97@kennesaw.eduJeffrey Collins
Chair, Architecture, Interim -
Wellstar College of Health and Human Services
Monica Swahn
mswahn@kennesaw.eduDenise GreenChair, Social Work and Human Services -
Michael J. Coles College of Business
Robin Cheramie
rcheram1@kennesaw.eduSteve Smalt
Director, School of Accountancy
ssmalt@kennesaw.eduAniruddha Bagchi
Chair, Economics, Finance and Quantitative Analysis
abagchi@kennesaw.eduLouis MarinoDirector, Michael A Leven School of Management, Entrepreneurship and Hospitality
lmarino1@kennesaw.eduHumayun Zafar
Chair, Information Systems and Security, Interim
hzafar@kennesaw.eduMona Sinha
Chair, Marketing & Professional Sales -
Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Catherine (Katie) Kaukinen
ckaukin1@kennesaw.eduGregory Paul
Director, School of Communication and Media, Interim
gpaul11@kennesaw.eduCharity Butcher
Director, School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development
cbutche2@kennesaw.eduLaura Palmer
Chair, Technical Communication and Interactive Design
lpalme32@kennesaw.eduJohn Havard
Chair, English
jhavard@kennesaw.eduFederica Santini
Chair, World Languages and Cultures, Interim
fsantini@kennesaw.eduBrandon Lundy
Chair, Geography and Anthropology, Interim
tblundy@kennesaw.eduBryan McGovern
Chair, History and Philosophy
bmcgover@kennesaw.eduStacy Keltner
Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies
skeltner@kennesaw.eduRamazan Kilinc
Director, School of Government and International Affairs
rkilinc@kennesaw.eduCorinne McNamara
Chair, Psychological Science
cmcnama4@kennesaw.eduBarbara Harris Combs
Chair, Sociology and Criminal Justice -
Graduate College
Juliet Langman
Dean -
College of Computing and Software Engineering
Sumanth Yenduri
syenduri@kennesaw.eduYong Pei
Chair, Computer Science
ypei@kennesaw.eduGeorge Markowsky
Chair, Software Engineering & Game Development
gmarkows@kennesaw.eduShaoen Wu
Chair, Information Technology
swu10@kennesaw.eduSherry Ni
Director, School of Data Science and Analytics -
KSU Journey Honors College
Karen Kornweibel