The Office of Academic Excellence is responsible for ensuring the overall institutional effectiveness and accreditation compliance in accordance with the SACSCOC Standards.  The primary responsibilities across this unit are represented below.


Graphic representing the areas of responsibility for the Academic Excellence Unit
Academic Excellence Responsibilities


At KSU, we strive for excellence in all we do. The Office of Academic Excellence promotes this idea through the following initiatives:

  • institutional effectiveness and impact measures,
  • assessment of academic programs,
  • continuous improvement inquiries for administrative, academic, and student support units,
  • periodic academic program review,
  • institutional policies,
  • regional and program accreditation and
  • QEP leadership.   

The units within the Office of Academic Excellence apply the guiding principles reflected below to inform our work. 

Graphic representing the guiding principles of the Academic Excellence Unit


Strategic Priorities for Academic Excellence

  1. Align institutional initiatives to promote coherence with the goal of “Reduce to Increase”.
  2. KSU will position itself to receive zero findings from SACSCOC reviewers for the Fifth-Year Interim Report.
  3. Encourage a shift from “teaching focused” to “learning focused” institution.
  4. Promote an institutional culture that expects the demonstration of impact using meaningful data to drive continuous improvement.
  5. Adopt basic expectations for all academic programs that require the documentation elements of a quality curriculum.
  6. Address concerns relating to non-compliance for SACSCOC Standards 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1, 8.2a, and 8.2c.
  7. Improve the number of courses coded with HIPs and the associated reflections as part of the QEP.